Friday, August 29, 2008

Alex + 1st Grade Teacher = Perfect Match

Alex loves animals.

He loves to play with animals and search for frogs, snakes and lizzards.

Seriously, we can be outside for all of two minutes and he will have found a frog.

He is automatically drawn to any kind of animal.

He is more in tune with animals than he is people.

He will tell you when he grows up that he wants to be an entomologist.

I can see him in a tropical country somewhere far away by himself searching for bugs.

He is constantly pretending to be a different kind of animal. He runs around on all fours and makes, lion or monkey or dog noises.

When I call for Alex, he will say "I am not Alex, I am a dog".

I love his imagination, the ability that he has to make up the most elaborate stories (and remember them) is beyond me.

Literally, it is so far from what I am, but I love it. God made him that way and I pray that Alex will always use that power for good.

So yesterday when I picked him up from school he tells me that he pretends to be a dog with his teacher.

I asked him if he stopped when she asks him to.

He immediately responded "she hasn't asked me to stop".

Perfect match.

Thank you Jesus.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School!!!

It's the first day of school.
But not just that, it is the first day at a NEW school.
Yes, since we have moved the boys switched schools.
They have been so good about this, they have not once complained or said they didn't want to go.
One night about a month ago, Michael came and got in my bed in the middle of the night. He said that his legs hurt because he was growing...that's Michael!!
I do not do well in the middle of the night, so I gave him some pain medicine and let him sleep with me. The poor baby tossed and turned all night.
The next day I got some one on one time with him (he CRAVES this) and he told me that the reason he couldn't sleep is because he was afraid of going to a new school. He is in the fourth grade and I was a little concerned about this but it was such a sweet time to share with him all that God was going to do through him and that he is such a precious child, that everyone would love him!!
When we went to meet the teacher last week it turns out that there are SIX new students in his class. Praise Jesus he is not the only new kid!!
Alex has not said much, but I always worry about him because it takes him longer to warm up to people, but this morning when I walked him class, his friend from church... Garrett Garner goes to his school, while they are not in the same class, it is a familiar face!!
I was proud that he wasn't upset when I left him. He liked his teacher and liked his new classroom.
Michael of course walked to class by himself, five steps ahead of me...I did sneak down his hallway and made sure he got there's the mom in me, shhh...don't tell him!!
I know they are going to have a great day.
I know they are going to make lots of new friends.
I know they are going to be starving when they get home.
I know they are going to be exhausted and in bed by 8:00 pm!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Ok, so I have just moved to my new house in a new new that the lines for high speed internet have not gotten there yet...not so high speed, huh?!
Anyway, I could get a dial up, but they want me to get a home phone and pay installation, just to change it in a month or so...that is ok.
So I will not be on the blog so much because I can only check at time!!
When I told Michael that we wouldn't have internet for a while, he looked at me totally shocked and said "what are we gonna do?"
I told him we were gonna live off the land!!
Really it has showed me how much time I spend on it at home and how much time I SAY I don't have for other things...I actually curled up with a book the past two nights at bedtime...nice!!
So queen of comments is on hiatus for a couple of weeks, you may see a few here and there, but not so much!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


It's moving day!!!

Today is the day that we load up all my stuff and move it to storage.


T0day is the day that we load up all my stuff and move it to...OUR NEW HOUSE!!

That's right, God made it possible for my house to be ready for me to move straight in.

He just had to get my heart right first.

Once I died to my selfish wants and desires of how I wanted this to work out and surrendered to the fact that God is in control and I am following Him, He gave me my house.

Thank you Body for praying with me and sharing this exciting time with us. What a blessing it is to have so many people come along side me and help me and do all the "non-girl" things like lift heavy boxes and drive trailers.

I can not wait, we start at 6:00 pm tonight and will get it all moved and we will sleep in our new house and wake up in our new house.

The first thing I am unpacking is my coffee is gonna be a busy weekend!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Happy Frogs

Normally when I lay my head down at night, I am in a deep sleep within about fifteen seconds.

One of my favorite things to do is crawl into my comfy bed with my ceiling fan on and go sound asleep.

Last night as I laid down I was very aware that it was noisy.

My children were asleep and the house was dark but right outside my window was the sounds of very happy frogs.

They were singing...they were saying "I don't know what this stuff is falling from the sky, but I love it".

Even though it took me a little while to fall asleep, I thought to myself ' thank you Lord that You take care of all creation.'

I know He delighted in the content sounds of the frogs.

How much more does He delight in us when we are content in the fact that He provides everything we need?

Sunday, August 03, 2008

God's Timing

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
I like to be in control.
I like to know what is going to happen and when it is going to happen.
I like to be organized.
I like to be punctual and for everyone else to be on time.
It does not take very much faith to map everything out and know when and how everything will work out.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
It is easy to quote this verse, but think about what it really means to take everything out of your own mind, all that you know and understand and what makes sense to you, and then replace it with how and when the Lord wants things done and how we as selfish, sinful human beings can do this and bring Him glory. And then when we somehow manage to do this, He puts us on the path to greater things.
The Lord is stretching me.
I know that the Lord has called me to Bryan.
I know that the Lord has provided a brand new beautiful house at a phenominal price.
On the other hand...
I know that I have to be out of my current duplex by August 15th.
I know that unless there is divine intervention my house will not be ready by then.
In my flesh, this makes my OCD go cattywhompus.
God is teaching me this is ok.
God is CONTINUING to teach me that He always provides and that He wants to grow me and make me more dependent on Him.
My main issue has been where will I put my stuff. I know that I do not want to rent a storage unit for a week. I know that it is not safe to put my stuff in my new garage.
On Wednesday night a college boy, who had never came before, came to HOPE group and he said "I have an empty garage if you want to use it."
So cool.
Mary, who just moved into the house of a jillion girls, just happens to be watching the boys the week we are homeless, so we get to stay there.
Needless to say that my children are contradicting my prayers of having my house done because they are SO excited about staying in the fun house.
God is in control.
God knows what is best for us and what He wants me to learn through this process.
When I look at all that God is asking me to a part of a CORE group for a new church, minister to women that do not know Him, build a house and move my life to Bryan which requires the boys start a new school and work full time and take care of two children.
It can be overwhelming, but if God calls you to it, he will give you the strength to get through it.
May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Hebews 13:20-21
Whenever I start to think of it and I am not in the Spirit, my heart races and I feel dizzy. But then I remember that when I am weak, He is strong, He gives me the peace that transends all understanding.
It is exciting.
It is scary.
I give Him praise as I walk on the straight path He has put me on.