
Ok, so I have just moved to my new house in a new subdivision...so new that the lines for high speed internet have not gotten there yet...not so high speed, huh?!
Anyway, I could get a dial up, but they want me to get a home phone and pay installation, just to change it in a month or so...that is ok.
So I will not be on the blog so much because I can only check at work...no time!!
When I told Michael that we wouldn't have internet for a while, he looked at me totally shocked and said "what are we gonna do?"
I told him we were gonna live off the land!!
Really it has showed me how much time I spend on it at home and how much time I SAY I don't have for other things...I actually curled up with a book the past two nights at bedtime...nice!!
So queen of comments is on hiatus for a couple of weeks, you may see a few here and there, but not so much!!
yeah, I know the feeling. My emails whacked, my computer is on the blink and it just took me waaay too long to publish a post...
Live off the land! You are too funny!
I love that being without the internet is now equated with "living off the land"... we are a funny people!!
I hear ya. We've been without cable and internet for a few weeks now. At first the kids didn't know what to do, but they've gotten adjusted to playing the few standard computer games we have occasionally (solitaire, hearts, minesweeper) and entertaining themselves. Considering we don't have a large movie collection, they don't watch much anymore. The house is messier, but they use their imaginations and create more. It may be a long time before we get it back ourselves. Just not in the budget. I check it at work too, and occasionally at the library. Sure is nice to have time to read books again, ya know?! ;)
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