Tuesday, June 30, 2009


In quiet moments my mind starts to wander...I want it to, yet I don't.

I think of you.

I think of the good times and the bad times.

So much laughter.

So many tears.

You were always there for me.

I thought you always would be.

I never dreamed you would be gone.

The shock is wearing off and the foreverness is setting in.

This is harder.

Much harder.

I want to pick up the phone and call you.

I want to hear your voice say 'hi sweetie'.

I want to ask the stupid questions that you can only ask your mother and not get laughed at.

I want a hug.

I miss you.

I love you always.


Blogger Lisa Smith said...

beautiful tribute, kat.
you can always ask me silly questions. i probably won't know the answer but i promise i won't laugh either :) love you!

July 22, 2009 at 11:09 PM  

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