Well originally I started this blog for two reasons.
One, to be able to post comments on other blogs
Two, to actually see if I could do it. One of those "Pat yourself on the back, look what I did" moments.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that people would find it and COMMENT on it.
How did you find it by the way? I have tried to find other people's blogs and not had any luck. I guess that is my next conquor!!
So, that means I have officially become part of the blogging world and I will try to keep it somewhat updated.
This is hard work.
They say "just write about your life", easier said than done. To take all of the great things that go on in your life and put them into words, add pictures and post. It is truly a gift.
Well all of that being said, let me get onto the purpose of this post. I want to take a moment to write about my HOPE group. HOPE groups are small groups of 8 to 10 people who meet in a person's home and organized through my AMAZING church
Living Hope.I know I could say that I have the best HOPE group ever, but everyone thinks theirs is the best.
That is the way it should be.
I started at this HOPE group with much hesitancy, because I was already in the best HOPE group ever.
But we had to split.
A dreaded necessity...but always a God thing.
I was a part of the Campbell's HOPE group. It was right down the road from my house. All of my friends were there. It was perfect.
When we split we drew names. I knew where I was going. I just needed the piece of paper that said "Carpio's" on it.
So that is it.
After last Christmas break I was to go to the Carpios.
The Carpio's live ALL THE WAY IN BRYAN...I was the only other "adult". I know Carpios that you are adults. But lets face it Kaylene...I still got almost fifteen good years on you!!! Yikes! I just typed that out loud!!!
So me, my boys, the Carpio's (and Easton...little tootnannie!!) and a BUNCH of college students.
I ran...this was not my comfort zone. Where are my friends who know me and love me? Who know what being "older" is like?
I tried to justify my disobedient thoughts by saying "Bryan is too far to go".
Well God showed up and showed me differently.
About the same time my mother got REALLY sick and was in the hospital. I had to take care of my father.
They live in Snook.
Yes Snook.
Forty-five minute away... out in the country with the cows Snook.
I had to drive out there MANY times to take care of my dad.
On one of those long, quiet trips (because my children had fallen asleep from boredom).
God spoke.
He said "Bryan is not that far to go".
Wow. How cool. Thank you God for being real.
You know God is real when He speaks to you in Snook, Texas.
I was excited. I knew what I was supposed to do and I couldn't wait to be obedient.
Briarcrest was not looking that bad.
When God speaks to you and you are obedient, He can't do anything BUT bless the socks off of you.
All those college kids I spoke about earlier, are the best stinkin group of college students EVER.
And Carlos and Kaylene...you pretty much rock.
So now, each week Wednesday rolls around and I am pumped. I make LOTS of food, cause I can cook and college kids can eat
and I load it up and my two boys in their jammies...who love these college kids more than even I can...and those college kids LOVE my kids
and I make that LONG trip to Bryan...Oh and God has a sense of humor. This summer the Carpio's moved...to College Station...NO!!!...to BOONVILLE ROAD...but that is ok because
Bryan is not too far to go.
God is good!!!