Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I love that song "I want to leave a legacy, how will they remember me..."

I have been thinking about that a lot lately.

On Sunday one of the last things that Butch said was "how do you want to be remembered?".

There are so many possible answers to that question.

A good daughter, mother and friend.

Loving and faithful.

Dependable and trustworthy.

Joyful and content.

A woman of prayer.

These are all great answers, and I do hope that I am remembered for all them.

But these are all overflow of the answer that I want to sum up my life.

When people speak of me I want the first thing that anyone thinks of me to be is

"That Kathryn, she sure does loves Jesus"

It makes me smile to type it.

The only reason I can be remembered for any of the other things is because of my Savior. We have such a short time to make Him known.

I don't ever want anyone to wonder what I was about...

I want my children to know that that is what their mother is about.

I want a hundred years from now for my great grandchildren to be talking about Nanny Lil' Krunk Kat, how much she loved Jesus. Jenn, you can have Nacho Mama and Heather, you got Honey, but I am sticking with Lil Krunk kinda fits me.

I want generations of children to fall in love with Jesus.

Because it has to start with me.

I didn't grow up with that. I waited until I was a grown up to find and fall in love with Jesus. I don't ever want that for anyone else in my family.

How awesome is it that my children will be able to say that they can not remember a day that they did not know Jesus. I love that when Alex talks about Him, he says "you know Jesus in your heart". I love that He is real to them.

I love it.

So one day when I stand before Him I will hear "well done my good and faithful servant, you left a wonderful legacy".

Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. Ephesians 6:24


Blogger Lisa Smith said...


So funny you would write about this...Just last night I was sharing with some ladies that the song that summed up motherhood to me was "I Want to be Brave" by Nichole Nordemann...I just don't want there to be a question about whether I was experiencing all God has for me...I don't want them to ever catch me being afraid to step out in faith...whether it is raising my hands and expressing gratitude to Christ or writing a blog or ignoring their sin or being kind to a stranger...I want to be say goodbye to the way things have been and change the future...anyway, I want my legacy to one of bravery and undying love for my Savior too...I want to make sure that shows...that people know it...that it sums up who I am to ALL people.

So, I have an awesome book called the Leaving a legacy or Legacy of prayer or something like Jennifer Kennedy Dean...check out her website
You should read's amazing and it's all about this post. One of my favorite books...can't believe I haven't already loaned it to you.

Sorry so long...I love your second Heather, I'm always so proud of you! i love you

October 26, 2006 at 1:14 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Bacak said...

That is my burning desire as well, Kathryn! Thanks for allowing everyone else to see your heart. I love you!

October 27, 2006 at 7:58 AM  
Blogger Carpio Family said...

YES!!! Awesome.

October 27, 2006 at 9:52 AM  
Blogger Hendrick Family said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!!

That's it.

It's the only it.

October 27, 2006 at 9:30 PM  

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