Woo Hoo!!

One down...359 more to go.
Pretty exciting.
We have had a great time this past month settling into our home.
God has blessed us greatly.
I have had so many wonderful people come visit and play and guys to do non girly things for me.
The boys enjoyed helping the guys caulk the pipes and garage to keep out any unwanted visitors.
I love living in a brand new subdivision that is wooded...but you have to claim your territory from anything that lived there before you.
We live in town, yet there is such a country feel. We are at the end of a cul de sac that has a farm behind it and we heard the goats the other day.
I tried REALLY hard to put the lawnmower together myself...fortunately Carlos rescued me!!
I do like mowing my yard, that is fun and since I live on a slope, I get a really good workout!
Michael's favorite part of the house is the garage door. For some reason it is really exciting to him to pull up and then down that huge door.
Between that and moving the sprinklers for me, he feels like a really big boy.
He is.
Alex loves to roll around in the yard and find frogs. That child can find a frog in four seconds flat!!
I will be so thankful when I get grass on both sides of me. It is hard to contain them to just my front yard and they think it is great fun to play in the dirt with metal and wood.
That fortunately is just temporary along with the sandbags and port a potties up and down the street.
So here is to many more months of mortgage payments!!
***On a side note...I am looking for a swing set or play thing for the back yard if anyone is selling one.
I like that you have guys to do the non girly stuff for you. I have never mowed a yard. There is a very long list of things I have never done.
And, btw some people drank coffee after you left...(I was not one of them) Let's do it again soon!
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