So Not My Gift

The Lord has blessed me with several of these gifts.
The one thing He did not bless me with is creativity. Now don't get me wrong, I can make up a story with the best of them and I love to write and use my imagination.
The one area of creativity that I am not blessed with is art or ANYTHING related to it.
Even scrapbooking makes me cringe. I do very nicely sticking all of my pictures in those cute boxes made specifically for that purpose.
My children did not inherit this gift either.
We are in trouble this year.
Both of my childrens teachers seem to love sending home homework that requires painting and artsy "All About Me" pictures and creating journals.
It is hard to encourage my children to do this when I am standing there thinking 'where in the world do I begin'?
I had to ask Kaylene this morning if she had any of that paint stuff to make handprints because Alex has a big project due next week that is all coloring, painting drawing and decorating!!!
The Lord knew I was going to have to go through this.
He also says that we are one body, many if this is your gifting and you want to help me, I will receive it joyfully.
let me know how i can help!!!
ooh!! i am not a fan of math or english or reading or social studies or history or science...but i LOVE crafty stuff!!! when they bring that kind of homework home...CALL ME! i want to come over and play! (i mean, help them)
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