So Very Proud

He loves to be in the middle of everthing.
He loves when we have people over and when we visit others.
Michael also loves to make friends and to talk.
I have been having intelligent conversations with the boy since he was born and now the student has surpassed the teacher, grasshopper!!
So this is why this incident makes me so very proud.
I went the other day to his school to have my parent/teacher conference with his teachers.
I sat there and listenend to his teachers tell me about how well he was doing academically and how he participated in class and answered questions.
This was great.
Then one of his teachers told me that when school first started that there is another boy in his class named Michael who is a talker and was talking to my Michael.
She said that all by himself, without being rude, he removed himself from the other boy as to not get in trouble.
This is huge.
My boy loves to talk and to make the concious effort to make a good choice without being told showed so much fruit.
That boy got some huge momma praising. I told him that this was better than any good grade he could make and that Jesus was so proud.
My big boy.
Don't ya just love to hear praise on how well your kids behave when they choose wisely? That is such a good mommy feeling!
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