
I used to be obsessed with it, but the Lord has delivered me from having to watch it every time it comes on.
I still like to watch it but I am not nearly as concerned about Ross and Rachels relationship as I used to be. I am almost over Monica's neat freakness and throw down competiveness and Phoebe's ability to be fascinated with absolutely nothing.
The Chan Chan Man and Joey go without saying!!
I love how they interact with each other. They fight like cats and dogs one minute and then love each other to death the next. I love how they live in New York, in nice apartments, yet they really didn't work that much. They sit and drink coffee all day...a dream of mine.
It was just plain funny and I think one of the reasons that I like it so much is that none of it could possibly be real.
You know another thing about the show that could not possibly be real.
The duck.
The duck that walked around and quacked, perfectly content in an apartment.
We had (notice had) two ducks in our back yard for five days and it was nothing at all like that.
Ducks poop...a lot.
About every ten steps they poop.
Ducks dig with their bills in the grass and they quack and they smell bad.
Yes the first day was great, we came home and filled the baby pool up with water and Alex hugged and kissed the ducks and they swam they might on Friends.
Then I was constantly hosing off the patio and washing feet and the straw that broke the camels back was when I woke up Saturday morning and my first thought was that I had to make sure the ducks had plenty of water, and I did this before my first cup of coffee...wrong!!!
So this afternoon I loaded up the ducks and we took them out to Autumn Lake. It wasn't easy, Alex was sad and they kept following us back to the car, but once they got in the water and with the other ducks they were happy.
So when we get moved out there, will visit the ducks and feed the ducks and then go back to my duck free yard that I am spending lots of money on and sit in my back yard and drink coffee.
Please feel free to come fish on our lake and feed our ducks with us.
:) Your story makes me smile - especially the end about going back to your duckfree yard that you're spending lots of money on and sit and drink coffee in it.
Good thinkin, Mom.
PS - Can you imagine how it would have been had you decided to adopt pets like Ross did? The monkey, Marseille (sp?) who was completely adorable and the only reason I ever started watching that show in the first place - STILL, I doubt he was really as clean and friendly in real life. Plus, who needs ducks and monkeys and all those other pets when you have boys?! ;P We'd love to come feed the ducks with y'all sometime. I hope you make fantastic memories to remember your whole lives in this new home. Maybe you'll even have a duck waddle by... you never know. :)
Oh the truth behind reality! :)
And having to live in it! :)
love ya
Great story, funny. I wondered about city ducks...
My names don't sound so bad now do they!!!! Thanksgiving-Dinner
I still love the ducks Carlos...from a far!!!
that was funny, but i am so sad that Wild and Einstein had to leave! hopefully they made some good friends down at the pond. maybe one day we can go feed them!
that last comment was from kristin. it used my other weird.
can i just tell you that FRIENDS is by far the best show to ever make it on the air. Rachel was my best friend for years... oh how i love those people! did you cry during the last episode? because i sure did...i still do when i think about it. sorry the ducks didn't work you!
oh please! i would SO enjoy that!
I miss you, friend. How's the house? We should meet there at lunch one day and pray.
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