
One of the most fun things about moving to Autumn Lake is there is an actual lake down the road from us.
The boys can not wait to jump in...
It is a lake with a pier and is stocked with fish...come on out!!
Today my boss said that they were delivering some ducks to live on the lake.
They had done this before with baby ducks...but they were eaten by turtles, racoons or bobcats.
These ducks are bigger.
We are getting two ducks for ourselves tomorrow.
The boys are so excited.
They will get to name them and feed them and play with them (gently!!)
They will live in our backyard until we move and then we may put them on the lake...or keep them.
They will probably follow us home!!
So fun.
Oh my goodness!
Pet Ducks???
Don't tell Kye! ;)
Alex is going to LOVE the ducks and the pond!!!!
I know Michael will too!!!
Cool! I want a family picture, too!
That sounds really cool! Sara and I will have to come over and visit some time and play with the ducks.
I didn't know that we have bobcats in Bryan though! That's interesting... and frightening.
I have names for them! Thnaksgiving-Dinner! Sounds good right!
Not funny Carlos!!!
That is why your mouth hurts.
I will post pictures soon.
Michaels is white with a big tuft of hair on top of his head so he named him Einstein.
Alex's is brown and he named him Wild Christmas Wild (first middle and last names)
They are fun.
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