Deep Conversations

The mountains saw you and writhed. Torrents of water swept by; the deep roared and lifted its waves on high. Habakkuk 3:10
I was driving down Hwy 6 tonight and the boys were in the backseat. Out of nowhere Michael says "did you know that there are parts of the ocean that are so deep they are undiscovered?"
This started a conversation about how you can not go to certain deep areas of the ocean because you would implode and it is too deep to even breathe even with all the technology we have.
We were talking about the fact that there was probably ocean life that people don't know anything about because we can't get to it...Michael added that we know more about parts of Mars than we do parts of the ocean...but that is just Michael.
Then we started the same conversation about tops of really high mountains, that you can't climb to because there is no oxygen and you would pass out or die...Alex said he could...but that is just Alex.
Then it led to traveling to certain parts of space that are too far away.
Then we brought it back to God...that is the part I like best.
How big God is that He created the vast oceans and all the life in it and He knows the animals that we don't.
He has been to the top of the mountains that we can't get to and He created all of space.
It was so cool to talk about the fact that we only see a small part of Bryan/College Station, but there is so much more.
Things we can't even imagine...things that scream out "I was created, not poofed into existence".
Michael asked me why did God create these things if we can not see them or get to them.
I love this child.
I got to share with him that we have no idea why God does the things He does, it is not always for us to know...that is faith.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
But I got to reassure him that it was for a reason, and it is good and we would know some day.
I love these conversations.
I told Michael that when he grew up he could go and explore the world. He told me, and I quote "are you kidding, with all of these oceans and mountains, I would never even make it to Canada."
We'll save that for another conversation.
Right now he knows that God is good, he made the world and everything in it, the winds and the waves obey he grows he will learn that he can do all things through Christ who gives him strength!!
LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
I love those boys! I love how great of a mom they have to lead them into deep conversations full of truth! keep being a great mom!
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