I Love This Bracelet

Something happens to little boys around the age of nine, in public they become very aware that they have a mother and that she is not always "cool"...I think I am always cool, but that is another story.
Anyway, a little over a year ago we had a guest speaker at church who was talking about being a missionary.
He did the children's chat and he was giving out these little bracelets to remind the children that wherever they go, they are missionaries.
I told Michael, who is nine, to get me a bracelet.
He was so precious, he sat through the chat and when they handed out the bracelets, he whispered to him "can I have one for my mom".
Then as they were leaving to go to childrens church, he very slyly handed it to me without a word.
The bracelet was so pretty with very vibrant colors. I wore it every day without taking it off, I wore it until it was so faded you could hardly tell what the colors were.
I did wear it to remember that we are always missionaries. Our life is to always be about Jesus Christ, but I also wore it because no matter how old our children get, they are still our precious babies.
Not too long ago, the bracelet broke. It broke because it was literally worn out.
I was very sad, sadder than I ever imagined I would be.
Then yesterday my precious son was in his room and he came out with a new bracelet he had.
He was excited to give it to me.
I am wearing it very proudly.
Ahhh, such a sweet story. Such a sweet son.
I love it when any of my kiddos give me anything. But it is super special when my boy gives me something.
Thanks for sharing this sweet story.
So sweet.
The little gifts from them are priceless.
That is so great! Michael is such a sweetheart! I missed you guys this week!
Love yall!
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