I live inside the box.
Michael lives inside the box.
Alex DOES NOT live inside the box.
Alex lives so far outside the box that you can not even see the box anymore!
I like the box. I am comfortable with the box. I am used to trying to be silly and Michael looking at me and say "that is not funny mom".
I am not used to Alex standing at the door of my room with two completely different shoes on (so that his friends could see both of them at the same time) and his hoodie on backwards (so he has a mask whenever he wants).
God is growing me in this area.
I was deeply convicted one Saturday we stayed home all day and Michael came to me and said he was bored and didn't know what to do. I told him to use his imagination. He then informed me that he did not have an imagination. Alex had one, but he did not. He told me that when he closed his eyes all he saw was black and white.
Wow...he is seven.
We always say that we should not put God in a box. We say and know that God can do anything through us if we let him.
I do not believe that God likes my box.
I want to be everything God wants me to be and I am trying desperately to get out of the box and take Michael with me.
Little by little it is working.
Alex has a Power Ranger house in space. In order to get there you have to travel by monster truck. The monster truck does not just arrive at our house. You have to call it...I know. The other morning Alex was in need of the monster truck so he stood on our front porch and was yelling "Oh monster truck, come on, I am ready".
So cool.
Normally, my instinct would be not to yell because of neighbors, but on this day God was working and I said "yell louder" and I told Michael to call a vehicle. He picked a motorcycle.
They were standing on the front porch yelling they were ready.
God showed me that is how we should be for Him. That we should be so far outside the box that we can't even see it and we should be yelling "Oh God, come on, I am ready."