Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
My Baby is Five Today
How can this possibly be true?
It seems like just yesterday you were just a tiny baby and Michael was three years old telling me to "put that baby down".
It seems like just yesterday I was holding a yellow ducky to get you to crawl across the floor and now you are running circles around me.
So fast.
Five years of laughter and craziness.
Five years of total unpredictibility.
You never know what you are going to get with Alex. It may be a 'snarl and a stop'.
or a "smile and a hug'
But under each of those is true love.
My dear sweet Alex, you follows so closely in your brothers footsteps, wanting to be "just like Michael, right mama" yet you definately march to the beat of your own drum.
Thank you Alex for your individuality, for your loudness, for your boldness and your honesty. I pray that you always use the power God gave you for good. (Proverbs 12:18)
Happy Birthday my sweet boy, I love you!!Friday, January 19, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
The Box
Friday, January 05, 2007
James 1:2-3
I can truly in all honesty now say that I know what that means.
On Monday night my earthly daddy died. While I am extremely saddened and still crying, I have joy.
I have my Heavenly Daddy.
This passage means so much to me now because in the midst of a tradgedy I got to see God work. I got to see Him growing my faith and teaching me perserverance. I got to see His plans unfold and know that it was God doing it.
How comforting is that.
I got to see God use His Body to come around a mourning family and help them and witness to the lost.
God uses everybody and every opportunity to receive the glory due to Him and to further His Kingdom.
I know that my daddy loved God and I know that he trusted Jesus. He was never taught how the Body works and never lived his life abundantly.
God gave me the most wonderful experience and such peace and confidence about my daddy. I got to see my father on his last day in the ICU hooked up to every machine possible, unconscious and unresponsive. God gave me the opportunity to pray over my father and to tell him that Jesus loved him. At that moment while holding his hand, it shook...he was telling me that he heard me.
God is so amazing.
The way that God has ministered to my family members this week who do not know Him has been so comforting. They have been bathed in His Word and surrounded by His Church. They have seen the love of Christ being poured out on me.
They see what I have...they see WHO I have and I am praying they want HIM too.
Thank you to those who brought food...
Thank you to those who watched my kids and loved on them...
Thank you to those who sent cards...
Thank you to those who prayed for my family.
I love you all so much.