Women of the Bible

Ok, so I am doing this amazing study of the women of the Bible by Ann Spangler with my dear sweet Whitney.
I highly recommend this book for any woman who wants to know that they are not alone. That God knows everything we are going through and that He will provide for us when we turn to Him. I also highly recommend that you do this study with someone you love.
We have just started and already we have laughed and cried and came to the important conclusion that the women of today are not any different from the women of the Bible.
The vulnerability and naivity of Eve. How easily we can all be deceived by the evil one and before we know it our lives can be turned upside down.
But then we have our amazing loving God that comes right along and clothes us and takes care of us and even in our punishment He still allows us the great privilidge of having children.
And then Sarah, to some she may not be easy to like. She is hard and abrasive. But think of her life, following Abraham who God is telling to move all over and not telling them where they are going. The uncertainty of ministry. It made her cold and made her laugh to herself when God said that she would have a baby at ninety.
God heard her, even though she tried to deny it. He still heard and He blessed her with Isaac, which means laughter and she proclaimed that "God has brought her laughter and EVERYONE who hears about this will laugh with me". She wasn't laughing by herself anymore, she was praising God and sharing her joy with others.
How quick we can all be to doubt, to laugh or to be afraid. But we continue to step out in faith and trust God and in His beauty and splendor He continues to bless us.
Trust, Hagar trusted God. She was a victim. A product of her circumstance with very little say in what happened in her life.
She was told to be with Abraham and she did.
She had a baby and the very ones who told her to do this turned on her and shut her out. Can you imagine the confusion and the fear that she felt?
All alone and cast out. But God spoke to her and told her to go back and she obeyed. God blessed that obedience. God took care of her and Ishmael.
Trust and obey.
For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus
but to trust and obey.
I love the women of the Bible. I love Hagar. In her horrible situation which was seemingly hopeless...God saw her...God heard her.
We so often forget this...God hears us. His heart is moved on our behalf. Just like Jesus' heart was moved by the widow who had also lost her son.
When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry." Luke 7:13
He raised her son from the dead out of His great compassion for her hurting. Wow!
So, He will rescue us. Cry out to Jesus. He knows our situation. He hears.
totally wrote about the same thing, but a different take on it...God so knows that he is doing when he put us together! we think alike! Love you!
The study sounds great! I love God's Word, it's rich characters, one for every facet of us, that we can relate to...I love that you love God's Word Kathryn! You're so great.
Oh my gosh! If I were a girl, I would totally choose y'all as my W.O.T.B. study partners!
(all that in the voice of Whit)
Girl! I wanna do this study! I had no idea that isaac meant laughter ha! that's great. if I could every bible study out there I would. and Kevin, i can hear whit saying that.
I just wanted to tell you I missed seeing you at church tonight. You may have been there..but I didn't see you!
Thanks for always having encouraging words and a sweet smile!
I am going to have to put this on my never ending reading list. I often think of and pay close attention to Women as I run across them in the Bible. I agree we are still the same...just with cooler hair and jeans!
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