Like Brand New...But It's Not!!

I just paid off my car.
Can I get a woo hoo!!
What a great feeling to get in my car and know that I own it and I don't have to make a car payment next month.
I got in the car the other day and looked around and thought 'yeah, this car looks five years old and like I just paid it off!'
I have two boys.
Two boys can do a lot of damage to a car in five years.
Boys are nasty, dirty creatures who do gross things in the back of a car.
We have the standard once a week 'remove the toys and trash so you can fit and vacumn so you can survive' cleanings, but this poor car had not been really cleaned since I first got it.
I took it to the best place in the world to clean your car.
It is Pitt Stop Custom Car Wash and Detail on Longmire. I will shamelessly give them a plug, they are that good.
I first took my car there when it was brand new and I was parked at church (which unknowingly to me at the time has a flood zone in the parking lot, it is now marked on the curbs) and it was pouring down rain. When I waded to the car carrying two children (they were that small...sniff, sniff), I opened the door and there was two inches of standing water in my car.
I cried and Pitt Stop fixed it like nothing had happened.
So yesterday I decided to treat myself for paying off the car and have it detailed.
They come and pick it up and then a few hours later bring it back.
I cried again.
Oh my goodness it is like a brand new car.
The place where Alex spilled red juice...gone. All of the scuff marks and dried bubble gum and dried other things we won't mention...gone.
They got all of the things that fall down in between the seats that you can't reach with your hands or a vacumn.
I was so excited I jumped up and down and hugged the man who brought me my car.
When I picked up the boys I had to point out to them how clean the car was...they were pretty much oblivious!!!
We're gonna try and keep it like that.
I give it a week.
But for now it is like brand new...but paid for!!!!
Congrats Kathryn!!!
Good luck on that week thing!!! ;>)
Congratulations Kathryn! Wonderful feeling isn't it? I am so happy for you. Keep it up.
Yea You! I know the feeling - Warren just paid off my Expedition and the title came in the mail just the other day.
I need to have my car cleaned in a bad way. What is the place called and are they reasonable?
ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!clean car smell...
we will never have another car payment. ever.
Paying off things should be celebrated with a party!!! Always! Congratulations!
When we pay off my college loans, we are going to party!
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