Are We Listening?

God speaks to us everyday, all day long.
Are we listening?
In the past week I had two great examples of no and then yes.
Last week I went to HOPE group. I pulled up in front of the house. As I turned my car off, I had the quick thought of "am I parked the right direction"? I let is pass because I wanted to get my kids and my food inside and start HOPE group.
I came out a few hours later and there was a ticket on my windshield...hmmm.
The very next day I went to Wal Mart to pick up a handful of things. I got to the checkout and made my purchase. As I was walking away, I felt "check your receipt", I never check my receipt. But I pulled it out of my bag and there was a purchase for hair bows. I looked in my bag and there are they were.
I have two I know Alex's hair is getting a little long, but we still don't wear bows!!
So I turned right around and got my money back.
Instantly I knew it was the Lord. I knew He was telling me to stop and check my receipt. Then He showed me that it was Him the day before. Had I stopped and turned around then, I would have saved some money!!
Lesson learned.
We seek God in the big things, but He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. He wants us to ask Him about everything we do...should I park I eat this?
He wants to communicate with us all day every day about everything.
We don't have to walk around in the dark hoping we are making the right choices.
How cool is it to listen and then be able to say "thank You Lord" when He stops you from making a walk in that constant communion with Him is to live in peace.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
love it! "My sheep know my voice," He says.
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