Alex's New Career

He wants to be a pest control man.
This afternoon the pest control man came for his quarterly visit.
Alex was completely fascinated with him...fortunately the man was very patient.
Alex showed him everywhere outside that he had seen a praying mantis and a Daddy Longlegs.
Once the man told him that he wasn't there to kill bugs, but to protect the house from getting bugs inside, he was Alex's new best friend.
He followed this man around the entire house and the whole yard. Alex picked up his super soaker and "worked" right along side the fellow.
I was in the kitchen and I could hear Alex in the backyard (he has a voice that carries a little bit) talking non stop...he was asking "why" this and "how" that. The man, his name is Steve, answered every one of Alex's question, which made Alex love him even more.
Alex asked Steve if he could stay for dinner, he politely declined.
Alex asked him how old he had to be to be a pest control man. We think about twenty sounds good.
Alex tried to bring his spray gun to dinner and talked the whole time about how he can't wait until he is twenty and he is a pest control man.
It is going to be a long three months for Alex until Steve comes back.
Wow, that is so Alex... he seriously loves bugs!
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