Happy Birthday Momma

Today is my mothers birthday.
I love my mother so very much.
Growing up we were two peas in a pod.
If I had known two weeks ago the journey I was about to go on, I probably would have said, 'I'd really rather not, someone else do this please.'
My mother is sick.
She has reoccuring breast cancer that has masticized to the bone.
She is going through chemo again and she is trying to fight it.
Two weeks ago she got very sick. She called me that Thursday morning to come get her because she could not get up.
My mother lives in Snook...actually you drive to Snook and then you drive 2o more minutes out into the middle of no where. I always say, when you feel like you have driven forever, then you know you are there.
I got to her house to find that I could not get her across the house, down the steps and across the gravel driveway...I had to call an ambulance.
That was scary, to see someone you love put on an ambulance is very frightening and it was only just the beginning.
My dad died two years ago and both of my sisters live far away and could not get here right away. So I am the only relative here. It is very hard when doctors and nurses start asking you questions and want you to sign things and they are telling you things and you have to make decisions, but you are emotional and you really don't understand.
I felt like Marlin in Finding Nemo when he was listening to the sea turtles give instructions and all he could say was 'it's like they're trying to tell me something, but I don't understand'.
My mother was extremely dehydrated. Her blood pressure and all of her 'numbers' were very low. Her fingertips were blue and cold.
The first few days were touch and go. Her bowel died. Apparently it can die and cause your body to stop functioning. That was very scary, because my dad's did the same thing but never came back. Not only was I going through all of this, but I was reliving my fathers death. It was so hard. I have never had to rely on the Lord so much in my life.
It was a roller coaster ride of one thing after another. They got her rehydrated and then the problems with her bowel. As that started to get better, her lungs filled up with fluid because her heart was only operating at about 20%. The doctors said that she had an 80% chance of having a massive heart attack and not surviving. All of this is hard enough, but my mothers eternity is not secure...that burdened me more than anything.
During all of this, she was still the parent and I was still the child, but it looked different. She was the one asking me for things and I was the one feeding her soup and jello...you are never really prepared for that. Over the past two weeks my mother and I have gotten closer than ever. We have been through things that people shouldn't have to go through. She has had every tube and wire possible attached to her and has not been able to move. I have been the one blessed enough to be there through it all and to serve her and love her. Yes, I am exhausted...physically and emotionally I feel drained.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:29-30
The Lord is good and her heart is healed. It is now performing at 100%. There was no permanent blockage in her bowel to require surgery (which she could not have handled) and she is about to be transfered to do a month of rehab to get her strength back.
Medically this should not be.
Last night I could not sleep...I was so anxious to talk to my mom. I want so badly for her to know the Lord. I have talked to her many times in the past about the Lord but today when I went in to talk to her, I told her that she was a miracle and that the Lord wanted her and I believe that He is saving her for a reason. She listened and she asked questions. I know that God is doing something in her heart besides healing it physically. Please pray with me that she will come to know Jesus as her Savior.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:1-4
I am considering these past two weeks pure joy and I would not give them to anyone else.
I love my mother so very much.
Growing up we were two peas in a pod.
If I had known two weeks ago the journey I was about to go on, I probably would have said, 'I'd really rather not, someone else do this please.'
My mother is sick.
She has reoccuring breast cancer that has masticized to the bone.
She is going through chemo again and she is trying to fight it.
Two weeks ago she got very sick. She called me that Thursday morning to come get her because she could not get up.
My mother lives in Snook...actually you drive to Snook and then you drive 2o more minutes out into the middle of no where. I always say, when you feel like you have driven forever, then you know you are there.
I got to her house to find that I could not get her across the house, down the steps and across the gravel driveway...I had to call an ambulance.
That was scary, to see someone you love put on an ambulance is very frightening and it was only just the beginning.
My dad died two years ago and both of my sisters live far away and could not get here right away. So I am the only relative here. It is very hard when doctors and nurses start asking you questions and want you to sign things and they are telling you things and you have to make decisions, but you are emotional and you really don't understand.
I felt like Marlin in Finding Nemo when he was listening to the sea turtles give instructions and all he could say was 'it's like they're trying to tell me something, but I don't understand'.
My mother was extremely dehydrated. Her blood pressure and all of her 'numbers' were very low. Her fingertips were blue and cold.
The first few days were touch and go. Her bowel died. Apparently it can die and cause your body to stop functioning. That was very scary, because my dad's did the same thing but never came back. Not only was I going through all of this, but I was reliving my fathers death. It was so hard. I have never had to rely on the Lord so much in my life.
It was a roller coaster ride of one thing after another. They got her rehydrated and then the problems with her bowel. As that started to get better, her lungs filled up with fluid because her heart was only operating at about 20%. The doctors said that she had an 80% chance of having a massive heart attack and not surviving. All of this is hard enough, but my mothers eternity is not secure...that burdened me more than anything.
During all of this, she was still the parent and I was still the child, but it looked different. She was the one asking me for things and I was the one feeding her soup and jello...you are never really prepared for that. Over the past two weeks my mother and I have gotten closer than ever. We have been through things that people shouldn't have to go through. She has had every tube and wire possible attached to her and has not been able to move. I have been the one blessed enough to be there through it all and to serve her and love her. Yes, I am exhausted...physically and emotionally I feel drained.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:29-30
The Lord is good and her heart is healed. It is now performing at 100%. There was no permanent blockage in her bowel to require surgery (which she could not have handled) and she is about to be transfered to do a month of rehab to get her strength back.
Medically this should not be.
Last night I could not sleep...I was so anxious to talk to my mom. I want so badly for her to know the Lord. I have talked to her many times in the past about the Lord but today when I went in to talk to her, I told her that she was a miracle and that the Lord wanted her and I believe that He is saving her for a reason. She listened and she asked questions. I know that God is doing something in her heart besides healing it physically. Please pray with me that she will come to know Jesus as her Savior.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:1-4
I am considering these past two weeks pure joy and I would not give them to anyone else.
Your an amazing lady, God is smiling down on you!
Praying for you and your Mom my sweet, sweet friend!
I love you...Cindy
We are praying for you from Albuquerque. I miss you and love you sweet friend. Our God is mighty to save, we are praying. love you!
I have been praying for your Mom, her salvation, and for your supernatural strength.
I am blessed to know you Kathryn, and honored to pray for you!
You are surely soaring on strength like eagles'. I am praying, praying, praying. You are a blessing!
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