Soccer Attention Span...Zero

I had been thinking it would be a good idea for Alex to be in an activity since Michael is in Cub Scouts and I was afraid he might be feeling left out, so when Heather told me that Hayden was playing and asked if Alex was, I thought that would work since...
Alex can run very fast.
Alex can kick the ball very hard.
Alex can do both at the same time and hit it in the goal.
When he wants to.
I have come to find out that Alex is not much for organized activities...Alex lives in Alexland, population 1, and is very happy there.
Seriously, Alex has always been able to entertain himself for hours either playing with his animals in his room or finding as many bugs possible outside.
So while all of the other kids are practicing soccer, Alex is being the Ant Whisperer, he really plays in ant piles and they don't bite him.
His poor, patient coach, I guess it is good for Aaron that he didn't get on his team, is constantly calling Alex back over. Alex obeys and then a couple minutes later he is off on his own again.
He does really well in the games because everyone is cheering and he knows he will get snack...until the last ten minutes and then he decides he is done.
We tried it...
It has been fun...
but Michael pretty much summed it up last night at practice, I was sitting in my cool chair in a bag and Michael was sitting in my lap...Alex was doing his thing and Michael looked at me and said in his very serious grown up voice, "I don't think Alex should play soccer anymore."
We'll see what's next.
Way too funny!!!
The more I hear about Alex the more I see Kye!!!
We attempted soccer last year as well having the same results, minus the ant piles.
Kye was in it for the snack! He isn't made for organized sports either!!
Let's make up some kind of "sport" that has to do with animals & outside stuff for Alex and Kye! :)
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