Oh My Alex!!

Alex learned this the hard way yesterday.
Alex loves animals, bugs and creatures of all types. He is drawn to them...therefore he is not afraid of any of them either. This is the child who will pick up a spider in the kitchen without even thinking about it and take it outside for me. Michael is more like me and allows Alex to do it.
I have to watch him closely with dogs that people walk down our street.
As I posted earlier, Alex is the Ant Whisperer and can play with them and not get bitten...at least if he does he is not affected by them.
This led Alex to believe that he could do the same with bees.
On Tuesday night I had my sweet Mary and Nichole over and Alex was playing outside in the hedge...with bees. Nichole being Nichole thought this was really cool and funny. Mom being mom told Alex several times that if he played with the bees he was going to get stung.
He did not agree with me.
I never actually told him 'do not play with the bees'. He did not disobey me, so therefore I could not punish him.
He made it through Tuesday fine, which therefore led him to believe when we got home on Wednesday he could continue to play with the bees.
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour 1 Peter 5:8
I was in the kitchen cooking food for HOPE group and I could hear Alex outside excited and talking to the bees...I warned him again...he actually held one in his fingers and he reminded me of Idgie on Fried Green Tomatoes who was a bee charmer.
When it was time to leave I went looking for Alex. He wasn't outside...I went to his room...the door was locked. I told him to open the door, when he did, I said it's time to go.
Alex told me he did not want to go to HOPE group...very strange since he loves playing with Easton and all of his big friends (college people). When I asked him why, he said that he didn't want to tell me.
I looked at him and said "Alex, did you get stung by a bee"? He started to cry and said yes. Praise the Lord he is not allergic and did not swell up...but it sure did hurt.
I didn't have to say anything.
So Alex learned a lesson. He belongs to Jesus and thankfully Jesus disciplines those He loves.
This is what I am praying for Alex so that the next time I warn him, he will remember and be quick to listen and learn.
My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to my words of insight, that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge. Proverbs 5:1-2
That is an awesome object lesson. I just love it when God disciplines children without having to step in. Thanks for that wonderful parenting story on a nightI needed to hear about some God parenting!
You are a great mom...that's all I wanted to say!
oh sweet Alex. we kind of knew that bee sting thing was coming...i'm glad he's not allergic. i love watching you with your boys...you're an amazing mommy. i so love you and your boys. thanks for letting me be a part of your family.
Alex and I are so much alike its kind of scary..we cant sit still..we talk a lot...we like animals..we even get stung by bees in the same week...I love that boy!
You are an amazing lady who serves an amazing God and that is an amazing testimony to His amazing love for us. love you
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