Happy Birthday Michael

Today you are nine years old.
It is still hard to believe, it is going by so fast.
Nine years of conversations, because you were born talking like an adult.
You are my sweet and compassionate child who loves and feels so deeply.
I love you.
I treasure you as a gift from God.
A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. John 16:21
Yes! Happy birthday Michael!
Happy Happy Birthday Michael!
You are such a sweet boy and it is a pleasure having you as part of out HOPE Group! We hope you have a wonderful day. Be blessed!
With Love
The Whites
Happy Birthday!!!Yea!!! cake time!!!
- the Carpios
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!! I hope you had a spectacular day! And I hope you enjoyed eating way too many cupcakes :)
oh, and this is kristin from hope group :)
Happy Birthday Micheal!
Peyton, Parker, Pearson & of course Ma & Pa McVay
I'm probably way late, but Happy Bday Michael! Hope it was a good one!
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