Rearranging the Furniture

I love to rearrange the furniture.
Ever since I was eighteen (almost twenty...ugh...years ago) in my first apartment, I have loved to rearrange furniture. Just about every couple of weeks I would rearrange the living room or a bedroom or something.
I loved sitting in the same chair in the same room but facing a different direction.
It really was a sickness.
I remember a few years ago in our old house, the boys room had a sliding glass door that looked out onto the backyard and all the neighborhood kids played in our yard because we had a swingset. I was moving the furniture around and one of the little boys asked Michael "is your mom moving furniture?" and Michael said "yeah, she does that a lot"
I never really thought much about it until yesterday.
When I moved into the house I am in now at the first of the year, I was extremely blessed to be given new living room furniture by Cindy's brother.
It is a gorgeous leather couch and love seat recliners and a stone coffee table.
I couldn't move them if I tried. Literally, if you held a gun to my head and said "move" I would die because it ain't happening.
Same with the bedrooms, there really is no other way to rearrange the furniture.
But really I had not thought about it much until yesterday. Will and I were talking and the subject came up and I said "yeah it kills me, I can't believe I can't move the furniture"
Then the thought came into my head again last night and it was "no, I really am ok" I am at a point in my walk with the Lord that I don't need to move furniture.
God showed me that hole that was there that I thought I could fill by moving things around is gone.
Moving things and rearranging things does not fix is only a escape if you will.
When God brings you to the point that you are addressing issues and allowing Him to work in you and heal you, then you do not need those distractions.
I found that moving things was a way to take my mind off of things in my life that needed to be fixed...not just moved.
This year has been a year of growth and healing.
A time for me to really look inside my self and see things that I didn't like...selfishness...fear...anxiety. It has been a time for God to show me how I handled these things before I knew him and how to handle them now.
I haven't done it all hasn't been easy.
But it is good.
God is faithful and I am thankful.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24
I like to get things arranged the perfect way and leave them there...without changing them...ever! Another sickness. With the Lord we always have to change and move and grow...things never stay the same, they only get better...maybe harder...but ultimately better.
Check my blog. I stole your picture.
That's a good way of putting it, "It has been a time for God to show me how I handled these things before I knew him and how to handle them now." I think that's where I'm going right now - seeing how I handled things MY WAY before I really invested in our relationship and Him, and how to handle them now - with Him, within the context of relationship.
An old pastor of mine said that we can rearrange our sin-riddled flesh time and time again to "make it look better" but that it's still gonna be sin-riddled no matter how it's rearranged. That we need a HEART change to overcome that flesh, no more rearranging.
That's never left me. It's the hardest thing to do, or let be done in your life. But it's good. It's true. It rescues us from things we never even knew we needed rescuing from.
Wow! I'm so glad I know you. I love how you look at things. Lisa Smith taught me about looking at my life in comparison to Bible Characters. Like this situation is just like Esther or Asa or who ever. The Bible is so rich and so full of answers and directions. Yeah for growth and seeing beyond ourselves to the Lord!
I seriously hope no one ever holds a gun to your head to force you to move that heavy furniture around. I didn't like that imagine one bit, Kathryn!
Love you!
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