So Very Blessed
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17
I look at the faces of these two beautiful boys and praise Jesus for how truly blessed we are. This past weekend has been the most heartbreaking, convicting and joyful time of my life.
I am still trying to process everything that I heard and saw as K.P. Yohannan shared his heart for missions. When in fact he was really sharing His heart for missions and the Gospel. You can see the video on Heathers blog...really go watch it.
If you want more, his book Revolution in World Missions is absolutely wonderful.
I wept as I listened to him speak of the millions of people who live in the slums of Bombay and literally eat one cup of rice a day and live and sleep amongst the sewage.
But what got me the most was when K.P. shared about the missionaries who came to live in that village. He told of how they started a church in the middle of the village and how people were getting saved and crammed into a room praising Jesus.
They are praising Jesus for who He is and that they will spend eternity with Him. They were not praising Him for what He would do for them or what they will get out of it.
The Gospel is not about is about Jesus.
They know that their circumstances here on earth will not really change. They will continue to live where they do, eat one cup of rice a day and live in filth. Only now they will do it with Jesus...with joy...with hope.
He tells about these churches who only have two Bibles for hundreds of people. They tear the pages out, copy them and share with each other...I have five Bibles in my house alone.
We live in such our homes...our food...our clothes...our attitudes.
These past two days have been such a wonderful time to share with the boys how blessed they are and about the children they saw during childrens chat who have nothing.
It really hit Michael at dinner tonight. He is eight now and eats adult size portions and then five minutes later is hungry.
When he had his food on his plate, I told him what he had there would probably feed one of those children for about a month. I could see the visual that he got from that by the look on his face.
We need to live with that visual in our minds all of the time. We need to live in the reality that millions of people die and go to hell every day because they have never heard of Jesus.
We need to be living desperate lives for Jesus...we need to stop living with the attitude of "they will know who He is by the way we live our lives" because if the Gospel isn't coming out of our mouths every day...they will not know.
But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,"that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:8-10

I am still trying to process everything that I heard and saw as K.P. Yohannan shared his heart for missions. When in fact he was really sharing His heart for missions and the Gospel. You can see the video on Heathers blog...really go watch it.
If you want more, his book Revolution in World Missions is absolutely wonderful.
I wept as I listened to him speak of the millions of people who live in the slums of Bombay and literally eat one cup of rice a day and live and sleep amongst the sewage.
But what got me the most was when K.P. shared about the missionaries who came to live in that village. He told of how they started a church in the middle of the village and how people were getting saved and crammed into a room praising Jesus.
They are praising Jesus for who He is and that they will spend eternity with Him. They were not praising Him for what He would do for them or what they will get out of it.
The Gospel is not about is about Jesus.
They know that their circumstances here on earth will not really change. They will continue to live where they do, eat one cup of rice a day and live in filth. Only now they will do it with Jesus...with joy...with hope.
He tells about these churches who only have two Bibles for hundreds of people. They tear the pages out, copy them and share with each other...I have five Bibles in my house alone.
We live in such our homes...our food...our clothes...our attitudes.
These past two days have been such a wonderful time to share with the boys how blessed they are and about the children they saw during childrens chat who have nothing.
It really hit Michael at dinner tonight. He is eight now and eats adult size portions and then five minutes later is hungry.
When he had his food on his plate, I told him what he had there would probably feed one of those children for about a month. I could see the visual that he got from that by the look on his face.
We need to live with that visual in our minds all of the time. We need to live in the reality that millions of people die and go to hell every day because they have never heard of Jesus.
We need to be living desperate lives for Jesus...we need to stop living with the attitude of "they will know who He is by the way we live our lives" because if the Gospel isn't coming out of our mouths every day...they will not know.
But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,"that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:8-10
So true! After this weekend, I have been so aware of grumbling in my home...and I'm calling it myself as well!! We have NOTHING to grumble about. Nothing!
God make us thankful. I know He needs to teach that to me before I can ever hope to be able to GIVE the way He wants me to! I'm praying for God to show our family even the tiniest hints of complaining, discontent...I want Him to CHANGE US!!
Great stuff Kathryn!
We miss y'all and love y'all SO much!
We are dying to get up to B/CS and see you and the squirts again!
Good words my sister! I am still just processing through all this stuff and praying the hard prayers of asking God what needs to go in my life. I am so blessed to get to live alongside people that want to know God's heart. Thank you for always being an encouragement to me.
I miss you!!!
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