Thursday, July 26, 2007

Blind Faith

God speaks so mightily to me through my children.

He does it subtly at first so I don't realize it, then He hits me over the head..."Hello Kathryn, this is God and I am speaking to YOU"

This morning was a perfect example.

I had to register the boys for Kids Klub, the after school program, yes BOTH boys because my baby will be in kindergarten.

So I drop Alex off and Michael and I head over to Community Education off George Bush Drive.

Now every month when I pay the bill it is a big deal for Michael because we pull right up in front of the little building on Timber and he jumps out and puts the envelope in the slot. That is what he is used to...this is what he expects.

This morning was different because half of College Station was registering their kids at 7:30 in the morning. We had to park around the corner in front of the Barbara Bush Center.

We get out of the car and Michael is insisting that this is not right...we are not in the right place...I have made some horrible mistake and he doesn't know where he is. I really thought he was going to panic.

I kept telling him it is ok...we just had to park far away...I know where I am...don't worry.

He kept going on...

Finally I had to stop, get down in his face and say "Michael, I am the parent and you are the child. I know where I am going, you just need trust me, follow me and stop arguing".

Wham...2x4 right over the head!!

How many times had God said that to me.

He is the Father and I am the child. He knows where He is taking me, I just need to follow Him and stop arguing.

When we let go of the reigns and TOTALLY trust Him, He will take us exactly where we are supposed to go.

When we argue, He usually gets us to the same spot, only the ride is not nearly as fun!

Praise God for the ride of my life...

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Two people who have a bond like no one else.

Two people who love each other no matter what.

Two people who will know each other all of their lives.

Two people who can fight like cats and dogs one minute and then laugh deep belly laughs the next.

Two people who love God and make me proud to be their mother every day.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers
1 John 3:16

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Prophesies and Lobsters

Alex is prophetic.

He has aways been known for saying very off the wall, funny things.

This time it came true.

We were in Super Wal Mart today picking up a few things and one of the boys favorite things is to look at the lobsters.

So while I was shopping, Will and the boys were hanging out with the lobsters.

I finished up and went to meet them.

Will had a very strange look on his face.

He told me that while they were looking at the lobsters, Alex was talking to them and then he looked up at Will and said "I speak lobster".

Now Nemo is one of his favorite movies.

So Will asked him what the lobsters were saying.

Alex pointed to a lobster and said that that one said "I am going to fight".

Not even a minute later Will said that three lobsters started fighting.

He about fell over.

Alex was so proud.