Michael Monday Story

by Michael Sexton
Once there was a robot. He lives just right outside of a lake. He wants to destroy the world but his mommy said no.
Just right before he went to bed, he looked outside his window. He saw a bear!!!
But the bear was sleeping, so he couldn't go meet the bear.
The robot went outside and saw the bear wasn't asleep, he was awake playing chess on the computer. So the robot tapped on his should but the bear didn't respond. So the robot climbed back inside and got up in the morning and destroyed the world.
But he disobeyed his mommy and he got punished.
The End
Man, that is one smart bear, playing chess. I wonder if Michael knows how to play chess? Perhaps I shall get him a chess set for his birthday, which is, like, in about a week and a half!!! Great story! I enjoy the recognition of the sin of not obeying his mommy...
And I like how each story contains a bear.
I told Michael that I was proud that he recognized that he disobeyed and he wrote it down. Also the fact that he knows there is always consequences...God is good!!!
Well, I loooove the fact that he said the bear got punished for disobeying.
I will see you tonight at the Freemans, I'm coming with Whit. We'll talk about dinner then. Can we eat italian casserole??? haha
AND, thanks for the comment because now I have a new word to use. Garbled. It's a fantastic word. In fact, it is my new favorite word.
I want to know where the robot went after the world was destroyed?! Do you think the bear would come teach me to play chess on the computer?
Perhaps there will be a sequel...
Oh Micheal! That was a wonderful story! I am really looking forward to reading your next story!
Mrs McVay...Peyton, Parker & Pearson's mom!
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