My Wooden Spoon Broke

I use mine on a daily basis, mostly on Alex but Michael gets his share also. It just so happened that it was Michael it broke on.
It actually scared us both. He had assumed the position and as I spanked him it broke in two.
After he finished crying he said "Whooo, you broke it!"
My first reaction was that I was the worst mother ever, then my second reaction was that I needed a new spoon.
Alex came in at that point and realized what had happened. He thought that meant he couldn't get spanked anymore. I quickly told him that I had another one in my purse.
He got quiet really fast.
So I will be going to the store today to purchase two or three more spoons because my babies still have a lot of growing and a lot of learning to do.
I love them that much!!!
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Proverbs 13:24
Amen! Preach it, sista!
haha... yeah I'm glad you don't use a belt... thats what I always got. :) Thanks for bein my ride tonight, I really appreciate it
Do plastic spatulas work?
Or those sweet silicone kind?
Surely those are indestructible.
...& what I really want to know is how a soft, babyish behind but breaks tree wood. I'm flabbergasted! (but I guess that's a mystery you only understand when you become a parent)
This actually happened to me when I was a about buns of steel!
in reply to kevins coment, yes the spatulas work, but you must remember to snap the wrist and not swing. that way it stings and not pop.
Kathryn i don't know if you've seen my spoons but the are really sturdy and thick. I usually have them hanging in the kitchen on the "cucina" sign. I know they look like decoration but there also functional. If you want i can have mom get more when they go out of town next. Of course you'll have to find some until then, or we could order them online...we could have a spoon buying party...oh our kids would be terrified.
i can't believe you hit your children...
just kidding just kidding!!! It's just that every one else was encouraging you, i wanted to play devil's advocate!
oh how I love you!
Yes Kaylene I have actually borrowed one of your spoons at HOPE group!!! I went and bought a four pack so I should be good for a while!!!!
Mine hasn't broken, but Justus has hidden it a few times. The other day Rusty grabbed the spoon to go spank the older two who were not obeying, and Justus started crying out of reflex because it's always for him! We will survive these 2's, I know it. My only hope is that God has given us a plan for discipline. Thank you God!
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