Boys and Bugs

Except you don't eat them...unless you are Alex. When he was two years old, he ate a spider before I could stop him. I actually had to FLOSS it out of his teeth...can I get an "oh gross".
Of course had that been my first child, I probably would have taken him to the emergency room. But you start to learn and I just chalked it up to being a good source of protein.
There is a good reason God gave me boys.
Not too long ago there was a nasty bug in the house and I was trying to figure out how to get it out. I was going to suck it up with the vacumm cleaner but Michael got a paper towel and picked it up. I told him "here let me get the door for you". The sweet boy looked at me and said "that used to be your job mom, now it is mine".
I love to watch Alex and grasshoppers. He actually goes into a trance when he is trying to catch them and play with them.
Some of Alex's best friends have been grasshoppers.
The other day I heard Alex say "there is a lizzard in my shoe". Now we have SO many toy bugs, lizzards, snakes, frogs...I could go on and on.
So him saying there is a lizzard in his shoe really doesn't mean much until he came in the kitchen with a REAL lizzard in his hand. "Can we keep it mom?"
I have a very good answer for that.
"It has to go find its momma", fortunately they still believe that and don't argue because I told them how sad their momma is and is probably looking for them right now!!!
So out it went...many bugs have lived with us for a short while and then they all go back to their momma'.
It is funny as much as I HATE bugs or anything that flies, crawls or pretty much lives outside...that is how much my children LOVE them.
I truly believe God has a sense of humor.
CRACK ME UP! Those boys are so precious..thanks for sharing there stories :)
You are such a blessing to me. The joy of the Lord shines through you!
Thank you!
This is great Kathryn! So true to my life as well. And have you met my GIRL, Emma? Bug crazy!!! She can catch any bug, anywhere, anytime. She lives with them as pets. We keep tupperware on hand for new bug homes. There aren't enough bug tents in the world to satisfy my children. I, too, am totally grossed out, and tried to hide it from my kids for a know, play it cool...but when they come it holding onto the neck of a lizard, I jump everytime. This is their new source of entertainment. They think it's SO HILARIOUS! So they sneak up on me with lizards. Not cool! Your boys have got to come over again and bug hunt with us. That was so fun!
Alyssa loves grasshoppers too...and any other wiggly, hoppy or crawly thing!! This summer when grasshoppers were all over CS(made me super glad we haven't had to survive a plague)she had so many in her hands, they started biting her. Now she says, "Look at the grasshopper...just look...they bite!" We have the cutest kids! Oh yeah, Alyssa saves me and our family from the geckos that thrive in our house...they love to scare me and Alyssa loves to rescue me. Funny thing is Hunter hates bugs! They're so cute...all of them(the kids that is)
Bugs and boys...can't separate them. We have more containers on our back porch than should ever be allowed. And they STILL keep stealing my good stuff from inside the house.
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