First Day of School

Finding Nemo is one of our favorite movies and is quoted quite frequently in our house.
This is what was heard this morning.
It actually started last night at bedtime when I was talking to Michael and he said that he couldn't talk anymore or he would be too excited to sleep. It did take him a few minutes but then they were out.
They woke up on the first call this morning. They ate breakfast and had devotional. They got dressed and were ready to go.
Alex wanted to wear his "kindergarten shirt" which is his school shirt.
They were so cute and excited and Michael was the "big brother" telling Alex all about what they would do and reading the school menu to him.
We left with backpacks in hand and parked at the school.
Michael told me he could find his class himself, which is 3rd grade for "mom please don't walk me to my class and hug me and kiss me and embarrass me in front of my friends".
It hurt, but I respected him. I had hugged and kissed him to pieces at home because I had a feeling that was coming.
Alex on the other hand was very excited to show me to his kindergarten class. With his backpack strapped to his back, he began hiking down the hall with all the confidence in the world.
We walked in the class and he put his stuff away and began to realize that this was real. This was not something that we had just talked about all summer.
Alex really was in kindergarten.
My first reaction was to pick him up and take him home, his first reaction was to be a little scared.
Fortunately we overcame those reactions and he went into class.
I am so thankful that he has a little friend named Haley. Alex and Haley have been together since they were 18 months old. They started out at A Special Place and went all the way through Longmire Learning Center.
I had prayed that God would put at least one person in his class that he knew so that he would not be afraid.
God answered and put Haley in his class.
God always knows what we need.
When I picked them up, a good day was had by all.
They can not wait until tomorrow.
Needless to say they were both tired and had no problem going right to sleep!!!!
Ahhh...I love the first day...the schedule...the peace that came into my house at 7:30 when children began falling asleep...seriously, what about this schedule? My house...silent by 8:30!
Kathryn, can you pretty please take a picture of your boys in the morning before school.
On the front porch.
Lunches in hand.
Cute clothes on.
Hair gelled.
Backpacks strapped on tight.
Smiles opened wide.
Thanks! It would bring me such joy!
Tell 'em hi for me!
We love and miss y'all!
- K(&L)
Oh Kathryn, the picture of you dropping them off made me a little teary. 1st day of K! A big one! I'm so glad it went well. I was praying for you and the boys.
Nemo is the Greek word to Dwell in or endure to stay with!
Love, Jen
How darling - I loved Justin's first day of school. I still need to scrapbook his "first" day school pictures. I bought the stamp set and all - if you are in to scrapbooking you are more than welcome to use them. The stamps are of loose leaf paper, school books, locker, A plus, school bus, globe, pencil and a mathmetic equation, lol. It is a really darling set and I really need to find all my kids "first" day of school pictures and scrapbook them.
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