The Beach
It was good to get away.
The kind of away that you just sit on the beach with nowhere to go.
That is what we did.
The first thing we did was bury Sydni. That pile in front of her is her legs.

The kids had so much fun. Michael and Sydni took to the water immediately.
Michael even went a little too far and had to be called back a few times.
Alex was not so sure. He would get close to the water and the wave would come it. I guess he thought it was chasing him, so he would run back on the beach.
He spent a lot of time running up and down the beach trying to catch seagulls. He got pretty close a few times.
Then they thought it was fun to make "sand angels". want to talk about sand in every part of your body!
Then there were the sand castles. Cindy is an expert sand castle maker. Below is her hotel sand castle equipped with a pool and everything. It was so good that strangers walking by actually took a picture.

A good effort was made by both of them.
Alex played his own version of scoot the ball with the putt until it gets in the hole. Then he would get really excited and say "I did it"
I made a hole in one.
Sydni made a hole in one on the last hole and got a free game.
As Cindy and I got to rest and relax on the beach we enjoyed watching the ocean and the sky and at exactly the same moment we both had the same thought that "Even the winds and the waves obey Him" Matthew 8:27
The really great part is that I was thinking of the ocean becoming still and the winds calm while Cindy was thinking of the water raging up on the beach.
Our God is that big.
I love this picture of Alex above. Look at how big that ocean is next to him. We are so small compared to God's great creation yet His eye is always on us and He holds us in the palm of His hand.
What a comforting thought on such a relaxing day.
i wish i was there to be with yall! i love the beach, and i love and miss you! thank you for your letter and picture! i cried when i got it at camp! you are such a blessing and an encouragement to me! keep the letters coming...i am writing you soon! or calling :)
I am so happy you got to go vacation at the beach! what a blessing! It looks like you had a ton of fun! I hope you enjoyed some rest and relaxation...i love you dear!
I'm SO GLAD you got a nice get-away. You deserve it, for sure! I love you girl!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time at Galveston. Don't you just love seeing all the pelicans and hearing the sea gulls?
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