Number 4 - Check off the List Whitney

I love happy endings.
Tonight was no exception.
Tonight was the last Monday night of the's out for summer.
Tonight we ate enchiladas and chips and dip...just for you Whitney.
Tonight Alex's thorn was yellow...he ended on a bright note.
Tonight we ate ice cream sandwhich cake...two pieces.
Tonight Alex packed a bag of toys to give away because he loves Jesus...really they are on my table if anyone needs toys.
Tonight we studied Ruth.
What a perfect way to end a semester of laughter and tears. A semester of sharing and Truth...hard Truth that bonds two people together and glorifies God.
I love the story of Ruth. Her devotion to Naomi and her love story with Boaz.
But tonight we dug in even deeper and studied the symbolism of the Gospel and how all of the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament is about Jesus.
I love that Boaz did not have to redeem Ruth, he chose to. Jesus did not have to die for us, He chose to.
None of life is by "chance" There are no "it just so happens"
Everything we do is ordained by God. He puts us in the exact places we are to be, the exact fields in which to glean.
He puts the exact people in our lives that need to be there, when they are supposed to be there.
All He asks of us is to trust and obey.
We are all Ruth, the Church and we are all looking for Boaz, Jesus, our Kinsman Reedemer.
All we have to do is come to Him in faith and ask Him to be our Redeemer and He will accept us, do all the work and in return, we get to sit at His feet.
He will bless us beyond belief and provide for us in ways we do not understand.
We do not have to be perfect...only willing.
He only wants to hear "I will do whatever you say"
So my dear sweet Whitney, my couch will miss you for the next few months. I will look forward to one or two marathon weekends.
Now, take all that we have shared, all that you have learned and all that God has shown you this semester, go out there this summer and trust and obey.
Ruth is such a happily ever after story. God really can take our ashes and make something beautiful!
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