It's Not Goodbye...It's I'll See You Soon
I am crying as I type this post.
I have been crying off and on for about a month.
As denial meets reality it is getting harder to pretend that graduation isn't going to happen and things aren't going to change.
Who could have ever known that two years ago God would put together a group of people that fit together so well it could only be from God.

We have watched each other soar and struggle and grow and change. We have been there for each other in every way. We are family.

On Friday Kevin and Lisa will graduate. They will go off to start their new life together.
I have been crying off and on for about a month.
As denial meets reality it is getting harder to pretend that graduation isn't going to happen and things aren't going to change.
Who could have ever known that two years ago God would put together a group of people that fit together so well it could only be from God.
For two years we have ate together, played together, served together, laughed and cried and worshipped together.
We have watched each other soar and struggle and grow and change. We have been there for each other in every way. We are family.
To all of my beloved HOPE group, I will be praying for you this summer as you travel home and abroad sharing Jesus and changing lives.
I will miss you so much.

On Friday Kevin and Lisa will graduate. They will go off to start their new life together.
When I tell Alex he just looks at me and says" no they're not" he inherited the denial gene, that's my child!! I tell Michael and he says "it's just Houston mom". He doesn't realize that Houston is no longer my Jeruselum, it is like Judea and the ends of the earth!
I really am so excited for them. I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do in their lives and then hopefully soon they will have their own little Michael and Alex.
It has been a honor to know them seperately and then know them together and to know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord has brought them together and will bless this marriage.
Kevin, or KEVIN as Michael and Alex scream, you have made an impression on our lives and hearts and I am forever grateful as a mother for the love and care that you have showed my boys.
When I think of the times that you have been mauled by Michael's body slams and deafened by Alex's voice, I can't help but smile because you not only endured it, but you enjoyed it.

I think of the patience you had when you fixed Michael's Nerf gun and when you cut Alex's hair with him squirming the whole time and saying "are we done, can we be done now?"
And the fact that you only had to take one "break" completely blows my mind!
I really am so excited for them. I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do in their lives and then hopefully soon they will have their own little Michael and Alex.
It has been a honor to know them seperately and then know them together and to know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord has brought them together and will bless this marriage.
Kevin, or KEVIN as Michael and Alex scream, you have made an impression on our lives and hearts and I am forever grateful as a mother for the love and care that you have showed my boys.
When I think of the times that you have been mauled by Michael's body slams and deafened by Alex's voice, I can't help but smile because you not only endured it, but you enjoyed it.

I think of the patience you had when you fixed Michael's Nerf gun and when you cut Alex's hair with him squirming the whole time and saying "are we done, can we be done now?"
And the fact that you only had to take one "break" completely blows my mind!
I could list a thousand ways you have brought us joy, but just know that you are deeply loved and that this is not is see you soon!!
really, you can't blog anymore...each time i read it, i cry like a baby! i love you, kathryn, and i believe HOPE group is just a small glimpse of the eternal joy we will have in heaven!
Awww. I really, really, really hate goodbyes.
I try to focus on the awesome new and exciting tomorrows ahead.
God bless you, Kevin and Lisa!
Happy Mother's Day, Kathryn! Celebrate motherhood today.
I love you!!
Happy Mother's Day Kathryn!
You make my heart so happy. I could go on and on about how proud I am of you and your home. Praise God for single moms that fear the Lord...that get over themselves and jump into the body of Christ. Look at all these wonderful lives your boys get to come in contact with simply because their mom is selfless! Where you are weak, God's people will be strong. ALex and Michael are going to be incredible men of God...and all because their mother chose to walk in victory every day.
One day they will rise up and call you blessed.
Today...I'll do it for them!!!
We love you Kathryn!!
The Hendrick Family
Kathryn. I am so blessed! Your words have stirred my heart. I don't know what to say!
You and your handsome boys have been such a massive joy in my life! It has been great growing and walking with Christ together during the past couple years. I wouldn't have traded it for the world! I am ONLY in Houston. We are a short 75 minute drive away, so no worries. I can't wait to see y'all again...real soon!
Have a joy-filled week! Love y'all!
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