Walk by Faith

God has done all of these things and more for Will this week.
This has been a week that if Will was not saved would have been hell for him.
The truck Will had been driving had been taken away from him, but God did provide transportation for him from very generous members of our body.
Allen Duty and Aaron Hendrick went out of their way this week to help Will. What an awesome staff we have. I loved when Aaron said to Will "someone gave me a truck, the least I can do is let you borrow it".
I tell you we are living out Acts 4 every day.
At the time the truck was taken from Will charges were not pressed. I truly believe that was an act of God to get Will where he needed to be to hear God and for him to be in church on Sunday to get saved.
Had Will been arrested on Saturday...unsaved...I believe his eyes, ears and mind would have been completely closed to God.
Praise God Will is saved, Will is in God's Word and Will is producing fruit.
Will is a new creation, but he also has consequences to pay for previous sin.
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? Hebrews 12:5-7
When I shared this verse with Will he was very quiet. I think it was the first time he truly realized that he is a child of God and that God is his Daddy.
The consequences that Will has faced this week is that charges were made on the truck. But God has worked supernaturally this week to protect and guide and love on Will.
Will got a call on Tuesday from a detective, whom I will refer to as "angel" because that is what he has been. The detective told Will what was going on and told him exactly what he needed to do.
On Wednesday Will took the truck he was driving back to Aaron. Early that morning Will was reading about Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane and how Jesus prayed to God "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." Matthew 26:39
That is what Will prayed and for God to give him the strength to get through.
He continued to read about the persecution Jesus suffered and the beating and long walk he endured.
When Will returned the truck to Aaron, he offered him a ride, but Will wanted to walk to the City of College Station to turn himself in.
He said he felt God with him the whole time and his steps were actually light.
They did not have his warrant issued yet, so Will waited. I called him late that afternoon to find out what was going on. When I asked Will what he was doing, he simply replied "enjoying the sunshine".
It was getting close to five oclock and Will was not sure what to do. Detective "angel" appears at exactly the right moment to tell Will where to go in the morning and how to get everything done quickly.
When I told my boss what was going on, he GAVE me the money for Will's bond. He had just gotten the EXACT amount of money back as a rebate and he couldn't think of a better way to spend it.
When we went down this morning the bondsman was a MINISTER and every other word out of his mouth was JESUS!!! It was actually a good time.
Praise God everything is taken care of for now. Will can start his new job on Monday and have a company car.
Will is learning to face his battles head on and not run from them. He is learning to trust and obey.
Jehovah-Jireh...The Lord provides.
In His way and His time.
Not our way or our time...Praise God!!!