You Can't Take It With You

This world is temporary, the things of this world are temporary. We spend so much of our time and energy on the, houses, cars, TV's, toys, etc..., while having these things are not in itself bad, some are necessary, it is the value and the importance that we so often put on them.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21
So often we live like this world is all there is.
We will do so much to satify our earthly desires and pleasures. We very rarely live for what's eternal (or one sea turtle as a precious child once sang it)
The Lord has really been speaking this into me. Our life here is but a mist, we have such a short time to make Him known, so that the world may see our good works and praise our Father in Heaven.
Am I making Him known? Am I living like an alien, a temporary resident or have I set up shop here?
It has been almost a month since I lost my mother. My precious, sweet, wonderful mother. My mother who was always there for me when I needed her...and also there when I thought I didn't need her.
On a side note, never EVER take your mother for granted. She is wise and deserves all honor and respect. Treasure the time you have with her and if she asks you to do something, do it...she will not always be there to do it for. Anyway, that was all free (Butchism).
I am still grieving deeply for her. It is a loss like I have never known before. My mother had a big house with LOTS of stuff in it, land, a car, dogs and numerous other things. In the months prior to her death, I spent a lot of time helping her take care of all of this stuff.
One morning my mother woke up, she went to get out of bed and collapsed having a heart attack. Within minutes she was gone.
All of her stuff is still here.
When I lost my dad a couple of years ago, it did not impact me like this. I spent a lot of time thinking 'I can't believe my dad died and the world just keeps right on moving'. I was grieving and people kept working and playing. That was my focus. At that time I did not have to deal with the business end of a person mom did that.
My mother kept EVERYTHING. We have literally walked through her house saying 'are you kidding me'. She has closets full of old Barbies and doll clothes. While it has been sentimental going through old pictures and remembering toys we used to play with, really what am I going to do with this? I can't bring the Barbies to my house, well I guess I could...the boys could blow them up.
My sister and I have spent the past month going through all of this stuff, cancelling credit cards, giving away clothes, seperating possessions. And I can't help thinking that one minute my mom is here and all of this is so important to her and the next minute she is gone.
It is overwhelming.
While a part of me wants to hold on to every single thing because I want to hold on to my mom, He is showing me to hold fast to Him and He will take care of me and give me the desires of my heart.
I am His treasure and He delights in me.
I am thankful that He provides for me.
I am thankful that He blesses me beyond what I deserve.
I am thankful that I can not take it with me and that I will spend eternity with Him.